More editible booking form
in progress
Olivia Ballenger
The problem: I like to ask clients where they are in the booking process (100% ready to book, in between photographers, almost sure but, have questions. I also like to ask their instagram handle so we can connect, and other specific questions.
It would be awesome if the form was more customizable and more sections could be added.
Gabe Grieve
in progress
Gabe Grieve
Merged in a post:
Booking Form Customisation
I'd love :
-more customisable booking fields on the form
- for the client to be able to fill out the date on the booking form without any kind of message about already being booked.
Firstly, it looks bad when clients can see how busy/not busy I am and secondly, I have associates that I can book for the same dates/can sometimes switch it up, so now I'm missing out on leads! :-(
Gabe Grieve
Merged in a post:
Booking form - phone number required
Farah Noor
I'd like to make the phone number a required part of the booking form in addition to the email address.
Gabe Grieve
Ed Brown
I 100% want to know their partners name so when i email back id like to address them both as equals - i know it might be old fashioned but equality is important to me