Bookable Promo Sessions
Blank Theory
Gabe Grieve
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Booking Minis
Ksenia Lounes
Would be great if you could add booking for minis, ability to choose multiple dates and times. I am thinking of becoming a life time member and this feature is something that will be very helpful.
I would love this
Helen Maijub
any updates on this? will it be available this 2024?
Gabe Grieve
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Mini Session Booking Scheduler!!!!
Tara Niedergall
I would love a booking site for mini sessions! Just be able to put it on a calendar then immediately send the client the contract included with the mini session. This would be amazing!!!
Anna Stevens
yes totally agree with you Gabe on this .would like to be able to advertise these sessions on their booking request page, and allow clients to book and pay for them instantly. This would then set up a normal photoshoot with the predetermined questionnaire, contract, invoice, automated emails ,
will make life a lot easier having everything under one platform provider thanks can't wait to see in future alone with the full website too
Ariana Pollack
This is SUPER important for my personal business! Hopefully this can get done ASAP!
Gabe Grieve
Merged in a post:
Instant Book Sessions: Allow photographers to set up pre-built photoshoots that can be booked instantly
Gabe Grieve
The Problem:
- A lot of photographers have common photoshoot sessions that they repeat for dozens of clients (Christmas minis for example). These photographers would like to be able to advertise these sessions on their booking request page, and allow clients to book and pay for them instantly. This would then set up a normal photoshoot with the predetermined questionnaire, contract, invoice, automated emails etc.
Gabe Grieve
Michelle Panasiti
Gabe Grieve is there an update in the near future that will allow us to do this ?
Gabe Grieve
Hi Michelle Panasiti, this is definitely something that is on our radar. We're currently exploring upgrades to the bookings / availability calendar. Those upgrades would be necessary before we can look at implementing instant book sessions. It's difficult to pin this to a specific time but its definitely on our internal roadmap for this year.