Availability Calendar
in progress
Mike Cianci
Is there an update on this feature? I've just noticed it's over a year old without any update
Terha Findarle
I want to easily be able to block off dates when I am unavailable. Not just clients to block them off. It’s time consuming to have to use a booking form, to block off my time off dates. It makes it difficult to even use the booking form
Gabe Grieve
Merged in a post:
Show availability and blocked dates on calender
Rachel Wan
It would be great to set working hours that clients can choose from and also show what dates are available/unavailable more clearly.
Gabe Grieve
Merged in a post:
Show availability and blocked dates on calender
Rachel Wan
It would be great to set working hours that clients can choose from and also show what dates are available/unavailable more clearly.
Gabe Grieve
Merged in a post:
Photographer Availability
illWill Studios
Allow booking requests to align with photographer availability. Let photographer set their availability so client can only request date and time slots that are available.
Gabe Grieve
Merged in a post:
Block Dates Off in Calendar
Emily Cappelen
Would love the ability to block dates off in the calendar without having to create a "booking"
Gabe Grieve
Merged in a post:
Bookings: Manage your availability
Gabe Grieve
The problem:
Currently there is no easy way for photographers to set a schedule that links to their booking request form. Photographers would like to be able to both:
- Set specific days / times that clients can request shoot bookings
- Block off periods of time as unavailable for new shoots.
JoAnne Sedgwick
I'd like to be able block off days or times so my clients can more easily schedule their sesiion online eliminating the need for back and forth emails or phone calls.
Gabe Grieve
Merged in a post:
Block Days off in Calendar
Emily Cappelen
Block days on calendar as unavailable instead of having to "schedule" a session and write do not book
Nicole Kilroy
Would love to have clients be able to see when sessions are taken or how many are left one specific date when it comes to doing mini sessions! Like 4/10 slots booked and stuff. ☺️Not sure if you all have that down yet but would love that so my clients aren’t emailing me asking if I am 100% available that day or if it’s actively being taken. Like a live system that updates instantly.
Nicole Kilroy
The multiple mini sessions time frames would be nice though. So I don’t have to block off whole day for one client. They can see the mini session slots for 15 minutes at a time! Same day.
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